Monday, December 6, 2021

It has been done

 Nana and Popo are now part of the Dyrus Fanclub :D

Who goes there?!


I've rediscovered the Ice Climbers! And I've decided I'm going to occasionally let my thoughts on these guys drop by on this blog if the situation ever calls for it.

A fact about these guys and me: Nana & Popo have been my favourite Smash characters ever since I was frickin probably about 10 years-old. And 10 years later, I'm finally getting to play as these guys again, which I can't be any happier about! I'm a bit rusty, but I'm getting better fast xD

Monday, November 8, 2021

New art idea!

I should totally draw them each next to a spectrobe I think they'd like!

Here are my bets:

Zig's fav because this guy's TOUGH

Beht's fav because they look KICK-ASS

Gorrik's fav because this guy's child form is cute :3

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Thursday, October 28, 2021

A doodle of Zig

Based off his portrayal in the Japanese release of Origins. He's going all like "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTSU!!!"

Some Tomodachi Life shenanigans

Zig has a dream. Feat. Beht and Jeena :D

Here's some maskless goons festive photo for some reason

Zig and Gorrik are friends. They're playing the WiiU but I didn't catch what game it was


Monday, September 20, 2021

Me at the remainder of the Spectrobes fandom with these guys


Dyrus' Men scripts?!

Yup, I'm releasing them. Reason? I honestly dunno if I'll finish them soon (at least from now), so I might as well give the public access to viewing the scripts so far! I really enjoyed writing these, and I really do hope I get them done someday, but here's what I've got so far...

Friday, September 10, 2021

Brothers support brothers

Gonna alter the number of years to make it work, but here's a scenario:
Zig's the poster and Beht's the "bitch ass kid" xD

Me at Zig


Sorry this blog hasn't been so active! There's just been a sudden drop in ideas lately... But no matter what, these guys still have a special place in my heart <3

Thursday, August 19, 2021

My brother mistook my lineart-only drawing of Beht for my OC Eyn

I don't even blame him. Look at this:

Fun Fact: Beht's design similarities to Eyn is one of the reasons why I gravitated towards the three shady guys in the first place!

Monday, August 16, 2021

Looks like Beht is the photo-model of this photo collection

Dyrus' guys feat. some others

I dono't even know why this is funny to me

From early in my game with these guys. Already, nothing is normal here.

There's Kamtoga at the back!

I thought this one was just pleasant. Nothing much, except they look straight out of some noir set in the 20s.

Beht is playing a very dangerous game here.

Beht is crying us a river.

No Gorrik here... Maybe he's the photographer?

There's something a bit uncanny about this photo and I think that's kind of funny.

Gorrik wishes you have a nice day



Never drew Neal in colour before... I dunno what he should say here, either xD

Also, I guess I drew this because I needed some warmup for some upcoming comic stuff. Very excited to complete it!