Dyrus' Henchmen's Dialogue and Mentions

NOTE: This is NO LONGER a work in progress. This text is still up to show that this post was once still published only for link tests! -Wethuzz 

I've done it. I've made it to Menahat. You know what that means...

I'll also apologise in advance for the crappy photos. Anyways, enjoy reading the transcript!

Also, before anything, a disclaimer pasted from Google because I believe this is why the blog got flagged xD
"Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental."

Compulsory: You have no choice but to read this dialogue.
Optional: Characters are in the scene but you can choose to not read their dialogue.
Unconsidered: Where you need to be to progress in the game is closer to you than the characters, so you usually don't think to even see them.
Characters Present: You can talk to Dyrus' henchmen.
Characters Talked about: People talk about Dyrus' henchmen.

[ Compulsory | Characters Present ]

[ Optional | Compulsory | Characters Present ]

[ Unconsidered | Characters Present ]

[ Compulsory | Characters Present ]

[ Compulsory | Characters Present ]

[ Unconsidered | Characters Talked About ]

[ Optional | Characters Talked About ]

[ Optional | Compulsory | Characters Present ]

[ Compulsory | Characters Present ]

[ Unconsidered | Characters Present ]

[ Compulsory | Characters Present ]

[ Unconsidered | Characters Present ]

[ Unconsidered | Characters Present ]

[ Unconsidered | Characters Present ]

[ Optional | Characters Present ]

Unconsidered | Characters Present ]

Unconsidered | Characters Present ]

Unconsidered | Characters Present ]

Unconsidered | Characters Present ]

Unconsidered | Characters Present ]


Optional | Characters Present ]

Optional | Characters Present ]

Optional | Characters Present ]

Optional | Characters Present ]


"Spectrobes: Origins" © Disney Interactive Studios + Genki

ZIG: Hey! Who are you and whaddaya doin' here!?


ZIG: Hmmm... Never see you 'round here before. Ya look like a shady character if ya ask me!

BEHT: Yeah, but they could say the same about us, Zig. I mean we're not exactly boy-next-door material.

ZIG: Shaddup, Beht! Can't ya see I'm tryin' to have a conversation here!?

RALLEN: He does have a point. You guys have shady written all over you.

ZIG: Hey! If I say you're the shady ones, then you're the shady ones, end o' story!

JEENA: There's nothing shady about us. We're simply looking for someone...

ZIG: Whaddaya mean, looking for someone? In the desert? How shady could ya get!?

BEHT: Heh heh... Hey Zig, weren't we supposed to be looking for something, too?

GORRIK: Guys, the boss is gonna have a fit if we don't get back to work soon! And I mean, like, right away, lickity split!

ZIG: Helmet head's right! C'mon men, the desert's awaitin'. We got work to do!

BEHT: Whatever you say, Zig!

GORRIK: Got it! Understood! Roger that!

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: Heya! We're looking for the entrance! The way in! The big ticket! And if we don't find it, our boss is gonna flip his lid or he might clobber us, or maybe even both!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: Well, look who we have here. Fancy yourself a treasure hunter, too, boy? Well, I'd look somewhere else if I were you. There's nothing around here. 

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: Arghhh! Where are they! Maybe there ain't no ruins buried 'round here, but we still gotta look. Beht, Gorrik, better kick it up a notch!

ZIG: Bah! I'm through with this stinkin' place! We're outta here, men!

BEHT: Heh heh... Guess there's no point wasting any more time here, eh, Zig?

GORRIK: What a bummer! Like, a real letdown! A major disappointment!

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: The boss had fit! He went absolutely bonkers, berserk, ballistic, 'cause we can't find the ruins! We better find those ruins lickity split or else we'll be ancient history!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: Heh heh... No doubt you haven't found who you're looking for yet. Huh? You found it!? Tsk... We could sure use that luck of yours. Hey, when you say "it," what exactly do ya mean?

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: Bah! We're workin' our behinds off here and still no ruins! They're supposed to be buried in the sand somewhere. But the boss can't expect us to dig up the entire stinkin' desert! That's just plain crazy!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: Where are those bumbling fools? Haven't they ever heard the saying "Time is money?" Hm? No, not you dweeby teens. And stop bothering me! Can't you see I'm busy!?

Bonus dialogue from the workers
  • "Did you guys really go out into the desert? That was either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid... I mean, there're Krawl out there!"
  • "Man, am I hungry! And you know what they say; hunger is the best seasoning!"
  • "This camp's home away from home for our CEO and all us workers here to excavate Antigravity Stone. But what is that three-man-team that works under the CEO up to? On second thought, I don't want to know. Some things are better left unsaid."

ZIG: Shivering sandfish!

RALLEN: Whoa...

ZIG: You two, again? What's the big idea musclin' in on our turf!?

GORRIK: Aw, man... I thought we'd find 'em first. Bummer! A real letdown!

RALLEN: I can't help it if you guys are such slowpokes! We got in there first, fair and square.

BEHT: He has a point, Zig. You said, and I quote, "I'm through with this stinkin' place!" So--

ZIG: Oh, shaddup already, Beht! As for you, punk, I won't forget this. C'mon men, let's go find the next set of ruins before they do!

BEHT: Sure Zig, you're the boss! That old book says look for the place covered with a huge boulder.

ZIG: Beht, you moron! I think they heard you! Now we really gotta hurry!

Dyrus' henchmen leave.

RALLEN: Those blockheads... They probably couldn't find water in a lake, even if their lives depended on it.

JEENA: Yeah, but we better hurry up and find the next set of ruins before they somehow stumble on them by accident.

ZIG: Yikes! Wh-what in the world is that creepy crawly thing!?

BEHT: I believe that's what they refer to as a Krawl. And I don't think we want to mess with it.

ZIG: What's wrong with ya, Beht?! C'mon, ya gotta panic, just like me! Run for the hills!

GORRIK: Boss, boss! Relax! Get a grip! Take a chill pill.

ZIG: Quiet, helmet head, can't ya see I'm busy panickin'?! Hey, you! Do somethin' already, will ya?!

A battle between our protags and some Krawl.

RALLEN: Okay, that's one Krawl that won't be bothering anyone anymore. You guys, all right?

ZIG: Leapin' lizards! You two are sure a lot stronger than ya look!

GORRIK: Yeah, like way stronger! Krawl smack-down stronger!

ZIG: Even so, don't expect me to thank ya or anything. It's strictly business out here and you're the competition!

JEENA: You're not welcome then...

BEHT: Listen, Zig, I have a bad feeling about this place. How about we go look for the ruins somewhere else?

ZIG: That's the first sensible thing ya said all day, Beht! Mark my words, we're gonna find the next set of ruins first!

Dyrus' henchmen are not present at camp.

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: Hmph... Those bumbling fools still haven't haven't found the ruins entrance? I could've rented three apes to do the same job, and at a quarter of the price! Hm? You again? I said stop bothering me. I'm a very busy man, you know!

Bonus dialogue from the workers
  • "You know those three men who work directly under the CEO? Well... They won't admit it, but word is they're working on some sort if dangerous top-secret assignment for him."
  • "There's nowhere to go for fun on this desert planet, so I've been trying to come up with some ideas. I think the company should build a theme park here. We could call it Sandyland!"
  • "I have a wife back on Wyterra, but she wouldn't come here with me. She said, "There's nothing on that horrible planet. You're gonna have to go without me!" *sigh*"

Dyrus' henchmen are not present at camp.

WORKER: Why's the gate closed? Something happen? How's that three-man team supposed to get back in when they come back?

And then later...

WORKER: A ginormous fish Krawl is on the loose? But that three-man team is still out there. I feel sorry for them.

Bonus dialogue from the workers
  • "So where did this ginormous fish Krawl pop up to, anyway?! If we're going to evacuate, I wanna make sure it's in the completely opposite direction!"
  • "A ginormous fish Krawl? Hmph... I'm not scared of fish, no matter how big they are. This one's several hundred feet long? Just give me a pole and I'll catch it for ya!"

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: We finally found some ruins and they tell me to wait outside! What a bummer! Really unfair!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: Our boss has a rather bold plan in mind. He heard there was some sort of ancient super technology hidden in the ruins here on Menahat. He plans on making boatloads of money by finding it and then developing it for commercial use.

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: I'll show ya! We're gonna find a way into those ruins if it's the last thing we do!

ZIG: Ah! You chumps here to meddle in our work again!?

RALLEN: Like we really care about your work. We're way too busy for that. Just see that YOU stay out of OUR way!

ZIG: You better watch it, punk! And besides, no one's getting' in there anyways. Ya see, that darn entrance won't budge. You're just wastin' your time!

JEENA: Well, maybe YOU are. We, on the other hand, always find a way.

RALLEN: We do? Oh, I mean, yeah we do! So what's the plan this time, Jeena?

JEENA: We have the Cosmolink, which serves as a pass for the entrance elevator. 

ZIG: Hey, no fair! You mean you chumps get to go inside while we're stuck out here!?

JEENA: That's right. You shady looking characters aren't going to step one foot inside there.

ZIG: Grrr... Why I oughta...! Er... I mean, who said we wanted to go in there with YOU anyways!?

RALLEN: Great, at least we agree on something. See you guys later. Okay, iku ze, Jeena!

ZIG: Grrrr...! I won't foget this!

JEENA: Let's head on inside.

RALLEN: I feel kinda bad for those 3... Having to work for, well, that big corporate jerk.

JEENA: Remember Rallen, it's their choice to work for him. Now, c'mon, let's go!

Rallen and Jeena just talked about Neal.

ZIG: Ya hear that!?

GORRIK: Oh, yeah! I heard it! Took it all in! Got it all!

BEHT: That explorer's got some skills all right. He doesn't even need to use the main entrance to get inside.

GORRIK: Hey, maybe we could get inside, too, if he worked for us! You, know, changed sides, joined our team? It would sure make the boss happy if we stopped messing up! Did something right! Got the job done!

ZIG: Let's go tell the boss! Oh, and by the way, Gorrik, that way ya talk is really gettin' on my nerves.

BEHT: I second that.

GORRIK: Maybe it's too much caffeine or maybe my helmet's too tight, but I just can't help it!

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: Man, I haven't seen the boss this happy in a long time! That dumb-luck explorer actually agreed to work with him! Wait a second... If he has that explorer now, he might fire us! Give us a pink slip! Send us packing!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: Hey, have you two heard the rumour about that super explorer? You know, that guy who gets into all sorts of tight jams, but always making a major discovery? Wish I were that lucky.  Of course, that depends on what sort of jams and how tight. Having good luck's one thing. Testing it's another.

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: Heh heh heh... I knew it! I knew the boss would like my idea about usin' that explorer! He's gonna try to win him over to our side, and if that don't work, heh heh... There's always other ways... You just watch, men! Ol' Zig here's gonna make sure them chumps don't have them ruins all to themselves!

Bonus dialogue from the workers
  • "Even though I could easily call her, my wife and I prefer to exchange letters. I knoew it's old fashioned, but there's just something special about a handwritten letter. Especially hers because her writing is so beautiful, delicate, and full of emotion. I really miss her. But this is no time for getting all sentimental. I better write her about the dangerous turn things have taken here!"
  • "Water is life here on this desert planet. But it's so scarce, each worker only gets a limited amount each day. That probably explains the smell around here. You see, we barely get enough to drink, let alone bathe."
  • "I see those three shady characters talking to our CEO all the time. Whatever it is they're talking about, I'm sure it's not good!"

GORRIK: Yikes! Er... I mean, heya! Nice day, huh?

RALLEN: Hey, you're one of those three shady characters we keep running into. What're you doing here?

GORRIK: Who, me? Oh, um, yeah what a coincidence, huh? And I haven't seen that explorer, either. No sir! No way!

RALLEN: I didn't say anything about an explorer. Wait a sec! Where's Neal!? You better start talking!

GORRIK: Yikes! Busted! The jig is up! Zig told me to stall you guys, but I just blew it big time!

JEENA: Stall us? Wait a second... You didn't kidnap Neal, did you!?

RALLEN: Did Dyrus tell you to do this!?

GORRIK: Kidnapping is an awfully strong term, don't you think? It's more like they forced him to go with them or else!

RALLEN: If that's not kidnapping, I don't know what is! That Dyrus has really crossed the line this time!

JEENA: I bet they're forcing him to show them where the next set of ruins are!

RALLEN: Where did your buddies take Neal?

GORRIK: Yeah... Where was it now? What was the plan? Oh, yeah, they kept talking about a spot near an umbrella-like tree.

RALLEN: You better be telling the truth. You'll be sorry if I find out you lied to us!

GORRIK: No, it's the truth! I wouldn't jerk your chain! You know, pull the wool over your eyes!

JEENA:  I think we can trust him tis time. Let's go fund that umbrella-like tree they mentioned.

RALLEN: Okay, but we better hurry!

Our protags head off to Neal, Dyrus and his henchmen. This bit happens after talking to Neal.

ZIG: This bumblin' fool unleashed a Krawl as mean as it was ugly!

RALLEN: So you guys really did kidnap Neal!

ZIG: Uh-oh! Guess the cat's outta the bag! But I ain't stickin' 'round to put it back in. We gotta get outta here now!

JEENA: What in the world happened?

BEHT: This explorer very kindly decided to help find the ruins entrance for us.

ZIG: Yeah, and that's when the knucklehead found some kinda switch in the sand and went 'n' pushed it without askin'!

BEHT: Then an alarm immediately started blaring and--

ZIG: Shut up Beht, I'll finish the story! Now, Let's see... Oh, yeah, after the alarm, a huge cactus-like Krawl came at us!

RALLEN: Now we know why you always explore on your own, Neal. You really did it this time!

NEAL: Wh-Who me? I-It... wasn't on purpise, I swear! They told me to find the entrance and that's exactly what I was doing.

BEHT: Wow... The legend of the bumbling explorer IS true...

DYRUS: That was a first for me. I've never seen one of those Krawl things before. I bet it would fetch a good price if I could capture it and sell it to a zoo somewhere!

ZIG: Th-That's crazy talk, boss. Takin' that thing alive? I mean, come on...

JEENA: For once I agree with you! Now, I'd get back to camp if I were you. We'll take it from here.

NEAL: Gr-Great idea! Thanks, guys! And good luck! I'm outta here!

DYRUS: Hmph... Whatever you say, Planetary Patrol Princess... C'mon boys, let's get back to camp! 

None of my pictures for this scene are good xD
Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: Huh? You beat that creepy crawly creature? For real? You two are incredible! Now we can start hunting for those ruins again! Huh? There's an even bigger Krawl out there? Well, the hunt is definitely postponed then!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: I thought that Krawl we saw out in the desert was big. But what's this about an even more humongous fish monster? How do you plan on fighting something like that?

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: You gotta be kiddin' me, you actually took out that Krawl thing? Bah! As much as I hate to admitit, you two ain't half bad!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: Impressive. You do-gooders actually defeated that Krawl? How about you quit that no-doubt low paying job of yours and come work for me?

RALLEN: No way! Money doesn't buy everything, you know.

DYRUS: Ha ha ha! I like your spirit, Dweeby Do-Right! I hate to admit it, but I've gained a sort of respect for you. Anyway, the offer still stands. Think it over!

And again...?

DYRUS: Ah, so you've decided to work for me after all? No? Oh, I get it. You're holding out for more pay, is that it? You drive a hard bargain! But I admire a man like that. Reminds me of... me!

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: Heya! Yep, I got guard duty again! This time, for the camp! Gotta keep watch! Check things out! Keep my eyes peeled!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: We never expected to have so much trouble dealing with that explorer. Talk about dropping the ball... I guess some people don't react as expected, even when threatened.

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: Eh? I better not lay another finger on that explorer? Don't ya think I know that already!? That fool's bad news! I mean, you risk your life being anywhere near him!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: Huh? Don't lay another finger on the explorer or else? Hmph... I'll do what I please. Besides, since when do I take orders from the dweeb patrol?

RALLEN: If you call me a dweeb one more time I swear, I'll--

JEENA: You're just lucky Neal hasn't got hurt so far. But if he is this time, you'll have to answer to me and the enter(entire) Nanairo Planetary Patrol.

DYRUS: Hmph! No one talks to me like that! I'm Dyrus, CEO of the largest corporation on Wyterra! If money and threats won't convince that explorer, maybe I could make him work for me without even knowing it. I mean, finding him won't be a problem. He's always in or around the ruins. And all he cares about is finding the secrets behind them. If I just steer him in the right direction, he'll do all the hard work for me! Neal makes the discoveries, I profit! Not a bad plan, eh?

RALLEN: Man, you couldn't be a bigger jerk even if you tried! 

JEENA: All you care about is money! And while it's true all Neal cares about are the ruins, he does what he does out of a love for ancient history and knowledge. You just do it for greed and it's going to come back to haunt you someday!

DYRUS: Hmph, you have a big mouth for such a little girl!

And again...?

DYRUS: Hmph, I knew that explorer was as famous for his discoveries as he was for his blunders. But he may still prove useful. I'll just use his flaws to my advantage. I'll show you what a hands-on CEO can do!

Bonus dialogue from the workers
  • "I've always wanted to be a desert explorer ever since I was a kid. But the older I get, the more that dream fades away. I envy you guys."
  • "Almost all our meals on this desolate rock come in those horrible little boil-in-bags. Normally i wouldn't touch the stuff... But after a hard day's work, they're actually not half bad."

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: That big Krawl actually looks like a big fish! A real whopper! A huge catch! And I really love a nice fish dinner, but I'll have to pass on Krawl fish. Gives me the willies just thinking about it!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: We've made a mess of things so many times that it's not even funny. And each time we've just barely managed to keep our jobs. But I bet the boss will forgive us if we hit a homerun. He may be strict, but he gives credit where it's due. 

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: That boss of ours is gonna get us in trouble someday with that fearless attitude. Then again, his no-holds-barred style is what makes it worth workin' for him!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: Hmph... Those bumbling fools I hired told me all about it. So, you're going to fight that Giant Krawl, are you? I'd sure like a front row seat to that one. Any ideas for a save vantage point?

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: Heya! You know what this is? Well, do ya?

RALLEN: Know what what is?

GORRIK: This! Here, look! Check it out! We found it in the ruins. It's some kind of machine or something! But Zig and Beht couldn't get it to work. It's totally bumming me out! Bringning me down!

RALLEN: Let me take a look at it. Hm... It looks really old. Well, it's some sort of machine all right, but I'm no expert. You'd be better off asking Jeena about it.

GORRIK: So, you don't know what it is either? Too bad! Bummer! What a letdown! But if you think your friend might now, how about bringing her on over here?!

Rallen brings along Jeena.

GORRIK: Oh, so you DO want to try this weird machine! I knew you couldm't resist it! Well, go ahead. Try it out! Take it for a spin! Give it a whirl! Show me how it's done!

You cancel communications with DS.

GORRIK: Huh?! Done already?! Finished?! Over and out?! Well, okay then. But if you ever want to try it again, just let me know! Just say the word, okay?!

You proceed communications with DS.

RALLEN: Sweet! We got a Spectrobe, but this one's a different color! I bet it's one of those really rare ones!

JEENA: Now I get it. It's a machine for transmitting Spectrobes, so it only works when a Spectrobe Master uses it. 

GORRIK: So, you're saying you're the only ones who can use it?! That's too bad! A bummer! A real letdown!

RALLEN: Thanks a lot Gorrik! We got a brand new Spectrobe thanks to the machine you found!

GORRIK: Whoa... I can't remember the last time anyone thanked me! I mean, like, REALLY thanked me... Who knows?! Maybe the boss will actually thank me, too, someday! Aw, who am I kidding? No way! Ain't gonna happen! When pigs fly!

And again...?

GORRIK: The boss is back to his old self! Back in saddle! Picked himself up by the bootstraps! Now maybe we'll get to explore the ruins again! But this time I want to actually go inside!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: I was bored out of my wits after I lost my job, so I started studying Menahat's history. That's when I discovered it was once the key planet in the Kaio system. Apparently, the ancients had built great cities here before the great Krawl war broke out.

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: I seen everything! There was someone flying over the desert! It was the craziest thing I ever seen, I tell ya!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: What was that blinding light!? What? Some kind of trap for that giant Krawl!? I knew the ancients had some sort of incredible technology hidden there! Not bad for a couple dweeby patrol officers! Now, if I could only get to the bottom of its power source...

Bonus dialogue from the workers
  • "I never really told you, but I love animals. But there's hardly any life here on Menahat. I really enjoyed watching those Spectrobe things you brought with you. I'll be sad to see them go. Please come visit  us again soon, and don't forget to bring your Spectrobes!"
  • "Your work all done on Menahat? If you see my wife back on Wyterra, would you say hi for me and tell her I'm doing fine?"
Bonus dialogue from Haven village
  • "Three suspicious strangers? Sorry, haven't seen anyone like that. My buss, Kotetsu? Oh, he should be around here somewhere. He's been on fire lately. Some real creative genius, I tell you. I wonder if I'll ever be as good as him..."
  • "Ah, hello, you two. Have you seen a group of 3 strangers? And by strangers, I do mean strange. I grilled them hard, but I couldn't really find a good reason not to let them into the village. Still, my gut tells me that they're up to no good." 
  • "Oh, sure, I've seen those three shady guys. I bet they're after the secret to our steel works. But they're sure in for a disappointment. No way they can copy Kotetsu."

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: Heya! We gotta figure out how these ruins work! What meakes 'em tick! What's under the hood! The boss is so excited, he actually stopped flipping his lid for once! But we better produce some results quick!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: Seems the boss is raring to go again. I guess that means we'll have to produce some real results this time.

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: The boss is all fired up again. That's why he  has us out studying these ruins again. But this time's gonna be different, you'll see. No stone's gonna be left unturned when we're done!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: The ruins? Yeah, we've been busy studying 'em. Can't say we've found out much more than what we already knew, though. But I'm not giving up, especially after you guys showed what incredible power they can unleash. Those ancient ruins are going to make me a fortune, or more precisely, another fortune! I'm already filthy rich, you see.

Bonus dialogue from the workers
  • "I thought of a new idea for using the Antigravity Stone! Instead of using cords to tie hammocks to trees or posts, you could use Antigravity Stone to make them float! You could even use it to create a gentle rocking motion for the ultimate in relaxation. Wouldn't that be awesome!?"
  • "Just when I thought I couldn't eat another one of those boil-in-bag meals, I came up with a great idea. I started mixing the macaroni and cheese boil-in-bag with the chilli one and voilà, instant mac 'n chili cheese! Now all I do is think about other possible combinations!"

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: [LOST] He says something along the lines of "I'm not cut out for office work. I hate waking up on time!"

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: Normally, the people who work under a CEO are executives with fancy titles like managing director and stuff like that. But not us. We work directly under Dyrus and carry out all his dirty work... er... make that orders. Oh, the things we've done... The list could get us in a lot of trouble, heh heh... Such great memories... So, you see, we're not your run-of-the-mill executives. I guess you could say we're sorta special. It's not for everyone, but it suits us just fine.

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: "We may work under Dyrus but it ain't like we're exactly employees of Dyrus Industries. Ya see, we ain't exactly what ya call the office type. I mean, could you imagine us three in suits and ties?"

Neither Dyrus or the worker NPCs say any new dialogue.

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: The boss is really bummed out again! Down in the dumps! A really sad case! I wish we could do something to cheer him up! You know, get him back to his usual flipping-his-lid self!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: We worked so hard to figure out how the ruins work, but the boss is never satisfied. But I suppose anyone could make some findings and file a report. What really makes a good subordinate is someone who makes the extra effort to dig deeper and work harder. And having your boss breathing down your neck all the time sure provides the incentive to do that! 

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: Me and my men figured out it takes decades for them ruins to recharge. But you two had to go and trigger that Krawl trap, now there ain't no power left! The boss is jumpin' mad, but we haven't given up yet. We're gonna try 'n find some other way to use them ruins!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: Bah! You dweeby teens really made a mess of things! You DO realise that you drained most of the power out of those ruins, don't you? Couldn't you have found a better way to beat that Krawl?

The workers don't say anything new.

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: It must be an incredible amount of energy if it takes decades to charge up! Those ancients were unbelievable! Incredible! Absolutely amazing!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: Those ruins sure had a lot of power stored up. I'm guessing it was many times more energy than all the sunlight that reaches this planet each year. We'll be all rich if we can figure out how to control such power and harness it to our needs. 

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: We been explorin' them ruins, but it's been pretty well pointless seein' how they don't work without power. You two were real lucky they were all charged up when ya fought that krawl. I mean, what if ya had hit the switch and nothin' happened?

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: I bet that explorer Neal knows something we don't about those ruins. But I haven't seen him lately. Listen, you two, how about we talk business? How much cash will it take for you to tell me where that nut ball is?

The workers don't say anything new.

None of my pictures for this scene are good, either lol
Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: The only thing that'll make the boss happy is getting rid of every last of those krawl. You know, wipe 'em out! Mop 'em up! Make 'em extinct!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: Who could've imagined a worse threat than that huge Krawl in the desert? Those things just don't know when to give up, eh? Well, if you're gonna stop 'em, I'd wish you hurry up and get it over with, already!

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: I've had it up to here with them stinkin' krawl! How long do ya plan on letting 'em run amok doin' whatever they please!? It's making the boss as mad as a hornet's nest! It's a real pain in the rear, I tell ya. If we had a smidgen of the power you have, we'd smack them stinkin' krawl down ourselves!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: There you are! Been looking all over for you dweeb patrol people. How's the battle against the krawl going? Did you hear they destroyed that space station of mine? It wasn't even finished yet and now it's a total loss! There are even reports of krawl poppingup at our head office on Wyterra. Those horrid creatures even devoured that solid gold statue I had made of myself! And it's all your fault for not doing your job! You're going to pay me back for all the damage you've caused!

Bonus dialogue from the workers
  • "You guys eating lots of good food? That's the only way you'll ever grow up to be as big and strong as me!"
  • "Our CEO is a business genius, but there're many things he can't do. And his reputation isn't so great either. For example, he can't do anything about the krawl. That's why I admire you just as much as I do him!"

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: Heya! Guess you heard about that giant desrt Krawl that came back for more! We'd love to smack it down! Take it out! Teach it a lesson! Bt we all know that ain't gonna happen!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: The Krawl that resturned may look the same, but I hear it isn't quite the same. Something tells me it is stronger than before. I'd be careful if I were you.

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: There's another one of them big ol' Krawl out in the desert! How many of them are there anyway!?

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: The giant desert Krawl is back!? We can't study the ruins with that thing around! Hmph... Well I suppose that's why you dweeby do-gooders came back here. Well, what're you waiting for? Hurry up and go do your job, already!

Bonus dialogue from the workers
  • "With giant Krawl on the loose, I'm afraid there won't even be catuses left here soon. But we can't let that happen!"

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: Heard you defeated the new and improved Krawl. Smacked it down. Made it pay big time. I wish we were as powerful as you guys! But that ain't gonna happen! No way!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: Looks like you bailed us out again. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. We're no match for something like that.

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: You defeated that big Krawl? Well, suppose it was easy since you already beat it once. Huh? They come back more powerful? Ah, man, count me out!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: Hmph, so you defeated that giant Krawl again, did you? I could use quality people like you. Let me make you an offer. Join me and we'll just forget about that little space station incident and the gold statue, too.

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: Another super strong, super powerful, super bad Krawl appeared! It's far beyond anything we could handle! Come to think of it, we can't even handle the regular kind!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: What's the deal with that strange hole there? You think it's the one legend says destroyed this place in the ancient war?

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: Run to the hills! There's some scary looking hole in the middle of the desert! I peeped inside it and I saw another part of space! Worst yet, I saw a nasty Krawl and it saw me, too!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: My men tell me that some weird patch of space appeared in the Great Desert... I wonder if I can find a way to sell it or... What? Krawl are on the other end? Well, forget that idea!

Talking to Gorrik:
GORRIK: Heya! So you really DID wipe the floor with that big bad Krawl! Never thought you guys would ever get that good! Amazing! Absolutely awesome!

Talking to Beht:
BEHT: Frankly, I didn't think you two could defeat that Krawl. I guess you really are Spectrobe Masters in every sense of the term!

Talking to Zig:
ZIG: You smacked down that latest Krawl, too? Truth is, I thought you were a couple of worthless chumps the first time I laid eyes on ya. But just look at ya now!

Talking to Dyrus:
DYRUS: You do-gooders actually defeated that Krawl? Bravo! You never cease to amaze! You sure you don't want to come work for me? I'll even up my original offer! Huh? No thank you?! Then you ungrateful little dweebs better pay me back for the space station and statue! Oh, sorry, I didn't really mean that. Anyway, what do you want if it's not moey? Just name it. I'll make you change your minds if it's the last thing I do!


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