TV Tropes!

The Menahat Chapter, as well as the Planet Itself
  • All Deserts Have Cacti: One of the only native life-forms that's left of Menahat.
  • Crossing the Desert: In the Great Desert, Rallen and Jeena not only go from just one end to another, but they have to travel across in search for seven points.
  • End of an Age: Considering Menahat's history... (something, something) The ruins are proof of this. 
  • Lost Technology
  • MegaCorp: Whatever the hell Dyrus Industries is all about. (I swear, it's gotta be more than just the antigravity stone)
  • Mole Monster: Zabatar, the Krawl boss that's after the shard of the Beast King, and also Savonek. In a way, Zabacraw counts as this, despite not being an actual bossfight that the players get to participate in. 
  • Ruins for Ruins' Sake: Each planet has the obligatory ruins section. Menahat has six of them to explore and raise, before finally raising the 7th one which contains the Pegatinum. Only after all that, are Rallen and Jeena able to have access to a single room to obtain their shard. 
  • Sand Worm: Savonek, the snake-like Krawl boss that is actually kind of short, but can still count as a sand worm.
  • Sea of Sand: The entirety of Menahat. If you look across from the cliff of the Great Desert, you get a beautiful view of Menahat's sandy landscape. The desert stretches across the whole planet.

The Shady Three-Man Team
  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: Gorrik, Beht and Zig, and in that order.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: Gorrik states that his team "forced [Neal] to go with them or else!"
  • Blatant Burglar: Upon first meeting them, Rallen states, "You guys have shady written all over you."
  • Card-Carrying Villain: As Beht said on behalf of him and his team, their jobs as henchmen aren't for everyone, but suits them just fine. The three of them seem pretty happy with what they do for a living. 
  • Goldfish Poop Gang: In a way. Not that they're much of a real obstacle to Rallen & Jeena, but - at least, story-wise - they do try to get in the way. 
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain(s): They suck so much at being an actual threat to Rallen & Jeena that the two actually start to feel kind of bad for them.
  • Malevolent Masked Men: They're malevolent and they're masked. 
  • Nice, Mean, and In-Between: Zig's outwardly hostile towards Rallen & Jeena upon first meeting. Beht's his devil's advocate, but you can't really say he's any nicer to our protagonists, either. Gorrik's the least mean of the three. In fact, he talks to Rallen & Jeena as if their presence isn't a threat to his team's goals. 
  • Opportunistic Bastard(s): The moment Zig, Beht and Gorrik find out Neal can enter into the ruins without using Rallen & Jeena's Cosmolinks, they plan to get him to join their side. If convincing the clumsy explorer doesn't work out, then, as Zig says it, "there's always other ways...". 
  • Professional Butt-Kisser: They'll try to do anything for their boss, Dyrus. They're huge suck-ups, so much to the point where they'll let aside how terribly Dyrus treats them.
  • Stupid Crooks: They're crooks who aren't very bright. Rallen even states, " They probably couldn't find water in a lake, even if their lives depended on it." That's a harsh burn.
  • Terrible Trio: They're a trio of henchmen. While they're all subordinates of Dyrus, out of the three, Zig is the team leader.
  • Three Plus Two: Of the five significant characters that  Rallen & Jeena meet on Menahat, Zig, Beht and Gorrik stand out as a trio on their own, referred to as the Shady Three-Man Team.
In my fan-works...
  • Determinator:
  • The Face: He does all the talking.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: At the presence of any kind of competition. Or at any remark that makes him seem less competent (ahem, Beht)
  • Hot-Blooded: He's determined, hot-headed, and thrill-seeking. He states that "[Dyrus's] no-holds-barred style is what makes it worth workin' for him!".
  • The Leader, Headstrong:
  • NO INDOOR VOICE: Usually, that's because he's either frustrated, determined, or prideful.
  • The Napoleon: He's short and hot-headed.
  • Only Sane By Comparison: Part of the reason he gets a hot-headed is because he's probably the *least* incompetent of his team with some amount of common sense. He calls out his teammates on their idiocy, however isn't too clever himself.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: By the end of the game, he expresses to Rallen & Jeena how proud he is of their excellence. "Truth is, I thought you were a couple of worthless chumps the first time I laid eyes on ya. But just look at ya now!"
  • Sore Loser: He's always bitter when Rallen & Jeena find a set of ruins before him.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Even after Rallen & Jeena rescued him and his team 
In my fan-works...

  • Bookworm: His dialogue hints at an interest in books, particularly non-fiction. He seems to have a lot of knowledge on the planetary history of the Kaio System, specifically of Menahat and the Krawl.
  • Giggling Villain: He tends to chuckle quite a bit, especially if he's heckling or thinking of something devious, heh heh...
  • Hidden Depths: He's mentioned that he lost a job in the past, and that since after that has shown an interest in reading about Menahat's history.
  • Honest Advisor:  
  • Mr. Exposition: A good fraction of his lines contain the lore of Menahat. And also, he blurts out what Dyrus plans to do with the money he earns if he's successful in his exploitation of the ruins. 
  • Only Sane Man: Or at least, he appears to be. He's the most calm and, at times, self-aware. 
  • Sarcastic Devotee: He's a bit of a light heckler, especially to Zig. 
  • Smug Smiler: Although you can't see his face, he's clearly smiling under that mask of his. You can tell from some of his dialogue. 
  • Smug Snake: He's a henchman that speaks a bit too proudly. He doesn't take his authority figures seriously at all. 
In my fan-works...
  • The Big Guy: Gorrik's a big guy, probably taller than a majority of the human cast (at least, in Origins). He's usually assigned guard duty, likely because of his big & tough exterior.
  • Genki Boy:
  • Gentle Giant: Not that Gorrik is necessarily gentle, he clearly is the most good-natured out of his team. He does what he does for the happiness and approval of others, and is generally in a cheerful and friendly mood if he's not feeling anxious.
  • Extreme Doormat:  Gorrik lets anyone walk over him. He even claims to have rarely encountered a time where someone *really* thanked him.
  • Hurricane of Euphemisms: Gorrik often repeats expressions three times, but with each sentence, it's worded differently. Rephrased in different ways. Said with some sort of variety. (Something like that).
  • Hyperaffixation: How he says "-Yo!" at the end of almost each sentence in the Japanese release.
  • In-Series Nickname: He's been referred to as 'Helmet Head', at least twice.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: He fumbled immediately after attempting to stall Rallen and Jeena. He also immediately admitted to what his team did to Neal -- and their location -- at the slightest threat. He also talks excitedly and kindly to Rallen and Jeena, even when them his team were supposed to be competitors.
  • NO INDOOR VOICE: He speaks with a lot of exclamation marks!
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: Unlike the rest of his team, Gorrik actually doesn't seem to have bad intentions, or find joy in doing bad things. His motivation really stems from his care for and loyalty to other people.
  • Sycophantic Servant:
  • Turn the Other Cheek: Gorrik's insanely forgiving, especially towards his hot-headed boss Dyrus (whom he claims to have clobbered him and his team). 
  • Yes-Man: He agrees wholeheartedly with whoever's in charge.
In my fan-works...

Neal the Explorer
  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Neal's an explorer because of his love for two things: one is ruins, and the other is ancient technology.
  • Dumb Blonde: He's a legend known for being a bumbling explorer. And he so happens to be blonde.
  • Bold Explorer: He'll go anywhere, even if it means death. He's dangled off a cliff in a raging blizzard for about a week, been launched into the sky while raising the final ruins, and he's fallen off Slayso's tall tower, probably more than once. Neal has no fear!
  • Genius Ditz: His specialty is ruins (and ancient tech). But, he's not so bright everywhere else.
  • Genki Boy: He's so enthusiastic and energetic. According to Jeena, "he's like a six-year-old".
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Sweet and innocent with good intentions, and he's blonde too!
  • The Klutz: He's known for being caught in all kinds of accidents.
  • Unluckily Lucky: So many of his accidents have led to major discoveries, apparently. And he's somehow survived crazy near-death situations. This guy...
  • Walking Disaster Area: I swear this man is so dangerously accident-prone. As Zig states it, "That fool's bad news! I mean, you risk your life being anywhere near him!"
  • Bad Boss: This guy prioritieses profit over the lives of his employees. There's literally a giant monster right outside of his work camp, and he refuses to let anyone evacuate. And let's not forget how he treats his goons. 
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: That's his whole character!
  • Determinator: A number of times, after completing Menahat, Rallen and Jeena have been asked by Dyrus to work for him. It begins with him going "How about you quit that no-doubt low paying job of yours and come work for me?", and then develops into, "Join me and we'll just forget about that little space station incident and the gold statue, too." And then, "I'll even up my original offer! Huh? No thank you?! Then you ungrateful little dweebs better pay me back for the space station and statue! Oh, sorry, I didn't really mean that. Anyway, what do you want if it's not moey? Just name it. I'll make you change your minds if it's the last thing I do!"
  • EgoCorp: The company owned by Dyrus... is called Dyrus Industries.
  • Fearless Fool: Rallen and Jeena constantly warn him about a fast, giant, and obviously dangerous zombie fish Krawl to get him and his workers to evacuate, but he refuses. Also, one look at an albeit less dangerous Krawl, and he insists on capturing it to sell it to a zoo. At least he gets talked out of it.
  • The Gadfly: Something, something, anything with the word "dweeb", "no-doubt low paying job", "Planetary Patrol Princess", blah, blah...
  • Greed: He'll find and sell ANYTHING by all means! He wants all the money. He wants it all!
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He gets mad at the presence of anything that has nothing to do with him making money. According to Gorrik, Dyrus throws fits of rage and clobbers him and his team. 
  • Hidden Depths: One of Dyrus's workers mentions that, interestingly, Dyrus actually had humbler beginnings. He says, "but wow, what a success story he is! He built his company up from nothing, and practically by himself! Amazing, huh?"
  • Jerkass: Hoo boy... 
  • Manipulative Bastard: He's hard to like in person. But how'd he even get so successful, let alone any employees at all? (Also, it says in his character bio that he's not only greedy but manipulative, too)
  • Nouveau Riche: I mean, he did apparently start his company from nothing.
  • Pride: While mostly overshadowed by his greed, he's guilty of pride, too. He's built a whole ass solid gold statue of himself somewhere.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: He's a bad guy blondie.

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