Tuesday, November 21, 2023

So you ask, so it shall be ANSWERED

It's the Anubi and Tobasu lines :D 
Words cannot express how disappointed I was when I didn't see Anubi in Origins when we first played 😔

Thursday, November 2, 2023


Some stuff from The Sims 2 :D

NO WAY, IT'S Beht, Gorrik and Zig FROM Spectrobes Origins
Note: The body type variation doesn't have that many options and you can't change the heights so if you can't recognisee Zig and Gorrik, that's why xd
Look at how much Gorrik cares about his bros :D
Will post more screenshots later xD

Also, I have whole lists of things that happened to them when I was playing as them in TS4 in my notebook. I gotta share them on here sometime

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Art, fic & comic ideas from my notebook

  •  Zig, Beht & Gorrik getting chased by Zabatar or Savonek. Maybe even Rallen & Jeena are chasing after them
  • In the bunks during the morning of a day off
  • Comic of Zig sticking his head into the portal leading to Darkroe. Beht & Gorrik are pulling him back, only just keeping him in Menahat
  • Holiday somewhere in Kollin. Rallen, Jeena & Dyrus's goons. Despite the doons being in their swimwear, their faces are always somehow being covered by something
  • Gretta kicking Dyrus's goons out of her house. Salia is also behind her, holding the stick she used against the krawl
  • Dyrus's goons exploring each planet of the Kaio system. I might expand to Nanairo, too
  • Rallen, Jeena & Dyrus's goons playing Nintendo Land (Wii U)
  • Zig, Beht & Gorrik hanging out with some Spectrobes!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A pretty dumb AU

Now here's a dumb idea I came up with the other day. If I knew how to be actually funny, I'd write a few crack-fics xD

Zig, Beht & Gorrik have access to the cosmolink and can basically summon Spectrobes, for some reason.
IDK whether or not they should steal Rallen & Jeena's cosmolinks or just randomly stumble upon them somehow xD


I don't know much about Pokemon, but I did like Team Rocket from the anime :O

They would have moments like this


Kidnapped Neal for the blog

You can do whatever with him, he's just on the sidebar (sorry mobile users)

The boys from M̷e̷n̷a̷h̷a̷t̷ 𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗔

I just realised how much they look like traffic cones x'D

Monday, October 16, 2023

So, I guess that's it! :')

I'm just remembering I've defeated Darkroe and recorded the goons' dialogue after its defeat. This may be the last we'll ever hear from them 

Maybe my next task is recording dialogue I like from Nessa's NPCs in games 1 and 2. My 3DS is getting old and I'm worried what might happen if I continue to use it for long xD (or maybe I'm just getting a little paranoid)

 And also, I don't have my hands on the first game... So I guess, it's either emulation or get myself thte game? IDK...

Saturday, October 14, 2023

The way Zig warms up to our mains...

So, now that I've pretty much finished recording dialogue up until after defeating Darkroe, I think that's it. That's all the shady three-man team have to offer. It makes me sad that it's over, but WOW, look at the character development. When Zig said his line here, I literally let out a massive "AWW!"

Here's what he says:
"You smacked down that latest Krawl, too? Truth is, I thought you were a couple of worthless chumps the first time I laid eyes on ya. But just look at ya now!"

Now I can finally draw Rallen & Jeena being buddies with these guys without thinkinking it's not canon :D 

And it's kinda funny too, since Zig goes all the way from butting heads with our protagonists, to acting a little "tsundere" (examples 1, 2) to where we are now xD


Oh, and I see characters like Gumark & Gilwan made it, too xD

Friday, October 6, 2023

Ideas from my Notebook

Dyrus's Men Chapter Ideas Pt 1 (edited)
  1. Goons
  2. To Work
  3. Sector W?
  4. Curiosity
  5. We Will Do Anything
  6. Enough
Basic introduction to each character. Zig, Beht & Gorrik are sent to obtain an object or some kind of information from Kamtoga. 

A typical morning on their way to work. They always get into some kind of mischief & mayhem.

Back at Kollin, Nanairo, Grant tells Rallen and Jeena that there is yet another animily in Sector W. It turns out that Zig, Beht and Gorrik got sucked into a portal that got them stuck in the Nanairo System. The trio's goal is to get back to Kaio, but Rallen gets excited to show them around, and especially to Cyrus. They also try to steal something from Cyrus before they leave.
BEHT: (Referring to Nessa's NPCs) Darn... Now I feel as important as one of the workers back at camp. Talk about not being special. 

The goons are tasked to get info from Kotetsu. Obviously, all goes bad.

Rumour says there's a Krawl on the loose. The trio are tasked to take it alive.

Zig, Beht & Gorrik mess up a job seriously bad. They get fired for real. This will lead up to Act 2, which is: "No Longer Dyrus's Men" LOL!

New wallpaper

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Another Spectrobes: Origins playthrough!

In the past few days, I've been re-playing Spectrobes: Origins with my brother. We're finally up to Menahat >:D

(The music featured in the story)

ALSO, for consistency's sake, I'm using another blog to talk about other stuff that I'm a fan of so this doesn't stray too far from being a Spectrobes/Menahat-themed blog :O

Friday, June 16, 2023


A very stupid parody "dating" sim about Dyrus making a best friend

Plot: Dyrus is a selfish, greedy, filthy capitalist. And he has no friends. Shocker. Help dear ol' Dyrus make a best friend before he has to move back to Giga City and die alone!


  • Zig
  • Beht
  •  Gorrik
  • Neal
  • Worker type A
  • Worker type B
  • Worker type C
  • Worker type D
  • Kamtoga?
  • CYRUS?!

How it begins:

  • Dyrus is doing his normal work stuff
  • Y'know, like documents n' stuff
  • Sitting in his office
  • For some reason, Rallen & Jeena are there 
  • Dyrus asks about why they can stand the presence of another person all the time
  • The duo suggest that Dyrus should make a friend
  • And now Rallen and Jeena are his "wingmen"
  • He hexits his office to (A) Camp (B) Lounge/bar (C) Desert

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

I envy the brothers, sometimes

Sometimes I really envy the bond that the bears have with each other. And also the way that I interpret Zig, Beht & Gorrik's bond. No matter how much they argue, they're always fine in the end and it's easy for them to help each other. Sometimes, it's not with me and one of my brothers, though. Sure, we get along most of the time, but it really feels like we're really incompatable when it comes to dealing with my more bad traits. At least everything goes well in the end, but it's a pretty bad feeling.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


That’s right, it’s We Bare Bears :D
Literally three brothers getting in mischief and mayhem, and they’re bears
And since I have always been interested in nature documentaries and other nature non-fiction, all I’ve been wanting to learn about has been bears. 
Man, this has been like 50% of my thoughts in the past couple of weeks.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Trio dynamic

The gang

Idea #1

An alternative universe where the boys from Menahat are not the boys from Menahat, but the boys from Nessa. Dunno if they still need to be named Zig, Beht & Gorrik, but they definitely will work for Cyrus.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Monday, January 16, 2023


  • The leader. He makes the plans. He keeps the team in shape. He's the brain and everyone else is the body.
  • He also gets called "aniki" by Gorrik in the Japanese release, which I think is awesome (I wish they kept something similar to that in the English one). 
  • He's not the type to just laze around, though. If he wants in on the action, he'll join. 
  • He also probably has the best relationship with Dyrus out of the three of them. (and by "the best", I mean that Dyrus doesn't think he's as stupid as the others)
  • The guys would make him responsible for all the stuff that requires book-smartedness (leave the logic to Zig, though)
  • Weird mechanism? Beht checks it out. Old, rusty device? Leave it to Beht.
  • Although he can't keep a secret any better than Gorrik, he'd try to put his charisma to use in *attempts* to do some social distractions and acrobatics. Like, be some homme fatale or a even a femme fatale since (at least, by some players) he's mistaken for a woman because of his stance/posture and the vagueness of his identity
  • He's probably the most fearless of the three (not brave, but he abnormally lacks a sense of danger). He'll swagger past a "CERTAIN DEATH AHEAD" sign and try to prove you that things aren't all that bad. See?
  • Clearly, he's supposed to be the muscle of the group. He'll push boulders for you. Dig holes for you. 
  • Although he may seem like the "good" one of the three, he probably wouldn't skip a second if he was ordered to punch the lights out of someone or something that gets in their way
  • He's also what the guys use as "bait", who the guys put on the front lines
  • Also used as the team's official meat shield 😔

Friday, January 13, 2023


 Everyone makes fun of these guys for being THE "sentient shoes".

I think they're awesome. People just gotta learn how to appreciate.

The cowboy theme is the thing that got these guys to be my favourites as a kid