Saturday, July 31, 2021

I actually really enjoyed this panel

 Posted to Tumblr on Jul 5, 2021, 05:39

All despite how corny it is XD

Incorrect Quotes #1 - Wonder, did Gorrik ever hate school?

[Obviously altered to match the context of the characters. Duhh.]

GORRIK: It’ll be great! Me and them, all the old school gang back together.

ZIG: But, ya hated school; ya had a terrible time.

GORRIK: I've never said that?

ZIG: Ya don’t have to say anythin' - I just look at your life now and work backwards.

Source: Black Books | S03E02

Sims 4: Nearly every book Beht has written

Yeah, I made Beht a writer in the Sims because of his brief references to his interest in books in-game :P
Beht's first book
For a quick sec, I thought this would be non-fiction
I can vaguely remember going on a rhyme website
He's lying.
And the saga never continued...?
Inconsistency! (Refer to Dyrus' Men and the World)
That's a familiar story
Oh no...
4th Spekrobs book where
Poor guy
Brother Zig
Brother Beht
And finally, brother Gorrik

DAMN. That was a lot more than I remembered...

Dyrus/Cyrus stuff

Pretty sure we all know that Cyrus is infinitely better than Dyrus, despite being almost the same greedy billionare guy on a desert planet among some colonies full of miners n' crap like that. (I think the main difference between them is that one's an item collector and the other's a businessman? I'll check on that later)

Fun fact: I even use Cyrus' design as a reference when drawing Dyrus in my art xD But despite everything, I'll still use Dyrus' character in my stuff since he lives in the Kaio System, and so do the three guys.

Sims 4: I added Cyrus to the gang feat. some other fond memories


This reeks of smug vibes and I feel a bit unwelcome here

A picture of the three guys reading while you take your bath

If you can see in the background, there's a selfie with Neal and Jeena xD

Neal had a photo corner

Oh yeah. Before Dyrus & friends moved house, I copied their lot someplace else and turned it into a museum xD

Y'know the guy from Haven Village?

The post was uploaded in 2012 so it'd be really awkward if I responded directly, but... I know exactly which NPC this guy's talking about. It's the guy on top of the gate leading to the bridge just outside of Haven Village xD
(It's got a mature filter on btw. I think it's because of the use of some coarse language n' stuff)

Thursday, July 29, 2021

These guys totally deserved a cutscene

They seriously did. I mean, I'm pretty sure they had just as much importance to their planet's arc as the other minor/side characters on their respective planets. 

But, then again, Menahat did have the most side characters. Like, 5 (6, if you count Krux's moments) is a lot compared to 2 and 1 in the other planets. Neal and the giant fish krawl really did steal the spotlight, too, and they both were pretty important to Menahat's arc. And plus, I've got no idea about the budget the team had to allow any more cutscenes (animation, voice acting, etc.), but still, I stand by my statement xD

Scenario idea - Another anomaly in Sector W

I have this idea for an issue for my Dyrus' Men project. Basically, the three guys just wind up in the Nanairo System and Rallen & Jeena come deal with them. Thing is, Rallen gets really excited to bring them to Nessa and see how things go down. That's the basic premise, really. Haven't got the script 

Sims 4: So how's Dyrus doing?

Old screenshot I took that I thought was pretty funny xD

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Short: Nobody likes them

Summary: Dyrus' just finished yelling at the three guys. They're just in their room, now.

Extra notes: Included the whole 'brothers' headcanon.


Zig, Beht and Gorrik lounge around in the small room. Gorrik does some activity on a small electronic device on one of the beds, Zig sits at the desk aimlessly pressing buttons on the computer, and Beht reads by the bookshelf. He puts down the book he was reading and sighs.

GORRIK: Hm? What's the matter?

BEHT: Can't focus.


BEHT: Yeah. Sheesh... The boss needs to just relax, sometimes. He sent something flying straight at me from across the room. How unnecessary...

ZIG: Y'know, that "something" was me.

GORRIK: Say what?

ZIG: You heard me.

BEHT: Whoa... You alright, Zig?

ZIG: Oh yeah, I'm fine.

BEHT: Good to know.

ZIG: He almost broke somethin' in me, ya dumbass!

Virgin airlines

Here's an old thing I made for them a couple months back lol
I forgot the source...

Sims 4: Dyrus' corner

So, before moving house, Dyrus had a corner full of photos and paintings of himself. I felt like that'd be pretty in-character


Alex: Zig    David: Gorrik

It's my life

Beht's driving, Zig's at the back and Gorrik's in the sidecar, as you'd expect

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

S.O.S (unfinished)

And old-ish fanfic I wrote that I shortened down into a smaller script, possibly to use for a future comic. Based off this one thing Dyrus said in the game about capturing a krawl and selling it to a zoo for some good cash.

Maskless. A concept?

Work in progress? Maybe.

Although I said I’d never do this again, I’ve interpreted what their faces would look like without their masks. Accidentally gave Beht like the “anime pretty boy” look instead of the “cool guy” one I was going for, which I wanna change XD I also wanna slap some facial hair on one of em because MAN they look young!

Sims 4: Photo collection of the guys

Feat. this

Beht dancing the hell outta this song

Sims 4: Just the three of them IDK


There was a better one where Gorrik was easier to see in
the picture, but someone's head was blocking Zig's face XD

Yup, they're criminals. Should also mention that they're brothers here 
(well, because of my headcanon, but also partially because I was
too lazy to design their faces individually)

This last one's worth a redraw

A thought about Beht's design

He's got potential for being a really badass sci-fi western character, but they made him a total dumbass

And I love it

Gorrik is literally this guy with flower soap

Sims 4: Fire

Early-in-the-game sorta stuff I have with these guys. Neal sets the kitchen on fire.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

The idea that Dyrus' three-man-team are brothers?!

Posted to NewTumbl on Apr 25, 2021, 18:45

I’ve thought of the headcanon that Dyrus’ three henchmen are brothers for so long that I just wanna get it out.

Sure they get on each other’s nerves and stuff and get unreasonably rude and stuff and in the end they somehow stay close n stuff, but c'mon, that’s just the nature of siblings. Or, at least from what I know.

Stupid dialogue with Dyrus' men #1

Posted to NewTumbl onMar 14, 2021, 18:34

???, flirtatiously: I like bad boys

Any one of Dyrus’ men: Well, I’ve screwed up every job given to me by a filthy capitalist that I gleefully work for

???: Wtf

How Dyrus' henchmen made it to being some of my favourite characters, I think

Posted to NewTumbl on Mar 10, 2021, 05:53

It wasn't actually up until my recent replay of Origins that I actually went and gave the dialogue a proper read, up until Menahat at least. Turned out I really had fun reading on what the three-man-team were saying throughout the Menahat arc!

It was also then that I (surprisingly) came to the realisation that Dyrus' men (and of course, Dyrus himself) were some of the few, if not, only characters who had antagonistic roles that didn't involve, y'know, putting an end to the entire universe. I've also read in one of their dialogues that Dyrus' whole "no-holds-barred style" was what made it worth working for him. So really, Dyrus' henchmen just wanted to do bad things and get away with it, which I found kind of amusing!

Like, all those characters are are just bad people and in the context of the game, they made for great comic characters (at least, in my opinion). And with that, their personalities were fun for me to write. I also watched a lot of Red Dwarf lately, and that's also what got me into trying to write lovable-hatable characters.

I dunno if I'll ever get my fanfics/scripts out, and I dunno if I'll ever turn them into comics (which is even less likely XD), but I'm enjoying writing them, so far.

The only content of Dyrus' henchmen I can find (that isn't mine)

Posted to NewTumbl on Mar 05, 2021, 01:43

I've been watching a couple playthroughs of Origins just for content of Dyrus' henchmen. Glad to know that about everyone I've seen has found some sorta joy when they read their dialogue.

I'm still surprised those guys don't have any fan-content. They're some of the funniest characters of the series to me (or, at least in Origins)! 

I'm making a fan comic!

Chocco's Comics: Dyrus' Men (Spectrobes: Origins Fancomic) 

Chocco's Comics: Dyrus' Men (Spectrobes: Origins Fancomic) - Overvi...: CONTENT: Spectrobes: Origins, fan comic, series overview The misadventures of Dyrus' henchmen, Zig, Beht and Gorrik. Set after the compl...


So, I've decided to dedicate a blog to my favourite characters from Spectrobes, the three shady guys from Origins! Literally, nobody else in the world ever talks about these guys, which is kind of sad. But oh well...