Sunday, July 25, 2021

How Dyrus' henchmen made it to being some of my favourite characters, I think

Posted to NewTumbl on Mar 10, 2021, 05:53

It wasn't actually up until my recent replay of Origins that I actually went and gave the dialogue a proper read, up until Menahat at least. Turned out I really had fun reading on what the three-man-team were saying throughout the Menahat arc!

It was also then that I (surprisingly) came to the realisation that Dyrus' men (and of course, Dyrus himself) were some of the few, if not, only characters who had antagonistic roles that didn't involve, y'know, putting an end to the entire universe. I've also read in one of their dialogues that Dyrus' whole "no-holds-barred style" was what made it worth working for him. So really, Dyrus' henchmen just wanted to do bad things and get away with it, which I found kind of amusing!

Like, all those characters are are just bad people and in the context of the game, they made for great comic characters (at least, in my opinion). And with that, their personalities were fun for me to write. I also watched a lot of Red Dwarf lately, and that's also what got me into trying to write lovable-hatable characters.

I dunno if I'll ever get my fanfics/scripts out, and I dunno if I'll ever turn them into comics (which is even less likely XD), but I'm enjoying writing them, so far.

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