Tuesday, July 27, 2021

S.O.S (unfinished)

And old-ish fanfic I wrote that I shortened down into a smaller script, possibly to use for a future comic. Based off this one thing Dyrus said in the game about capturing a krawl and selling it to a zoo for some good cash.


Zig, Beht and Gorrik walk through the desert.

ZIG: Goddamnit, how’d we even get stuck doin’ this job, anyway? 

BEHT: It's not like we had much of a choice.

ZIG: Well, I told the man we ain't doin' it.

BEHT: But remember, you were literally sucked right into his deal.

ZIG: Oh, shut up.

GORRIK: I can't blame you, though. It was a pretty good deal. The best we've had in months! We'll treat ourselves well after we get back.

Zig sighs. 

BEHT: But remember, that's only if we get back alive. Or at least alive in one piece. ...Each, I mean.

GORRIK: ... Oh my God.

BEHT: Yeah, I just pictured a horrible vision, too.

ZIG: Hey, we're losin' focus! Keep searchin', boys!!!


Dyrus sits on his couch and reads a book.

SUBTITLE: Earlier that day...

GORRIK: (Offscreen) Boss! Boss! Help!

DYRUS: (Mumbling) Those incompetent apes again… (To Gorrik) What is it now?

Gorrik, Beht and Zig all run through the entrance. 

GORRIK: We're in danger! Something was chasing us! We nearly died! 

DYRUS: From what?

GORRIK: Something deadly! Definitely not huma-

Zig pushes Gorrik out of the way.

ZIG: Shoo, I'll take it from here! Boss, there's a huge monster out there. We had to call off the job ‘cause o' that thing!

BEHT: Because of that "krawl."

ZIG: Did I give ya permission to speak?!

DYRUS: Ahem.

ZIG: Ah! Sorry Boss!

DYRUS: So, you saw another one? And it was huge? What do you mean by "huge?"

GORRIK: Bigger tha-

ZIG: As tall as two o' your biggest crates stacked together!

BEHT: As tall as about six metres.

ZIG: Ya really gotta keep doin’ that, don’tcha?

DYRUS: So it was that huge, huh... 

ZIG: Boss, the thing's real close to here. What do we do?

DYRUS: Hm... I say, we sell it to a zoo or something.


ZIG: I-I uh, but… How're ya even gonna get your hands on that thing? 

GORRIK: It's too dangerous to do it! It’ll eat you alive!

BEHT: Yeah. And it's not like the three of us can deal with it, either. We'll need--

ZIG: (Quietly) Ya really want us to go, don'tcha?!


ZIG: (Quietly) Well, it don't matter no more 'cause he probably got the idea now, thanks to you!

DYRUS: (Eagerly) What idea?

GORRIK: I think it was something about us going out to capture the krawl, but it's too dangerous for us, so we probably shouldn't go.

ZIG: Gorrik?

GORRIK: You said it was okay...

DYRUS: Alright. The decision is made. Now, off you go then. I don't want to see you again until you've captured that krawl. It's due at noon tomorrow. Reward's gonna depend on the krawl's worth when you show it to me. Rope and, uh, I suppose some shovels are at the back.

Gorrik and Beht start walking to the exit.

GORRIK: This is it... Boss has finally gone completely insane...! Mad! We’re screwed!

BEHT:Heh heh... Well boys, it's been a real honour working with you.

ZIG: On God, what is wrong with the both of ya?! You really wanna take on that thing?


BEHT: Yeah-nah, I'd much rather die...

ZIG: Ya see? I'll try talk us outta this.

Zig breaks in between Beht and Gorrik and walks over to Dyrus.

ZIG: Heyuh Boss, I mean absolutely no disrespect, and I mean this in the nicest, least harshest way possible, but c'mon. You ain’t actually lettin' us do this, right?

DYRUS: Don't like it? I'll sweeten the deal. How about I give you each a sixth of the earnings, no matter the offer? 

ZIG: ...

DYRUS: And if you don't, you can go continue your other job and each get a 16th of your original reward.

GORRIK: (Whispering, to Beht) And a clobbering...

ZIG: Ya crazy? I mean- Y-

DYRUS: I’m serious.

ZIG: ... 

Zig sighs and turns around.

ZIG: Alright boys, let’s go…

Zig, Beht and Gorrik start to walk out of the office.

DYRUS: I'll see you at three tomorrow.


Beht looks and shines a torch under a mildly large rock.

BEHT: Nope, no sign of it here, either. 

ZIG: Beht, ya dumbass! Ya really thought it’d be there?

BEHT: Who knows? We’ve been looking so long, it could be anywhere.

GORRIK: He’s got a point when you think about it.

ZIG: No he don’t! Just keep lookin’ around.

BEHT: Eh, it was worth a shot.

Zig, Beht and Gorrik continue searching the desert. 

ZIG: We ain’t got no weapons, no fancy tools, no nothin’! Just some lousy rope and a couple shovels for whatever reason the boss didn’t tell us.

BEHT: Heh heh… Maybe we’ll need them for when the worst comes, eh?

GORRIK: Eek! Don’t say that, man!

ZIG: Goddamnit, we shoulda never asked the boss for help. 

BEHT: Well, it’s not like we could just rock up to some police station or something. Don’t think they like guys like us. 

ZIG: Finally, somethin’ decent comes outta your mouth.

BEHT: No problem.

Zig sighs.

ZIG: Thinkin’ of it now, we shoulda just let the krawl do its thing and then snuck into some space ferry. I'll just tell the boss it was all an accident.

GORRIK: Boss would kill us if we did that! Turn us to dead meat! It's a worse fate than the krawl.

BEHT: Yeah, I agree. I can imagine being swallowed whole by that krawl any day than getting the boot.

ZIG: No kiddin’.

The krawl shows up from behind a rock. 


ZIG: Speak of the devil - IT'S HERE!!!

The krawl roars.

BEHT: Won't you look at that? It was near a rock, after all. Kinda funny, eh?

ZIG: Well, if you're so brave, why don'tcha go ahead and get to it, first?!

Zig throws the rope at Beht.

BEHT: Jeez, whatever. You don't have to be so rude about it.

Beht picks up the rope and walks towards the krawl. He sighs.

BEHT: Hey there. I don't know what you're here for exactly, but I sure know you're the one that's gonna make Boss real happy... All despite him not seeing you once in his life, but I digress. I've got no clue about everyone else, but in my eyes, you're worth bucketloads of cash. And if anything, I want a good chunk of it--

The crawl traps Beht in its mouth. Beht’s legs still stick out.



ZIG: I dunno, but I'm gettin' the hell outta here! I'm through with this job!

GORRIK: But, he's still inside! I’ll try get him out.

ZIG: AH, whatever! You do you!

Zig runs away. 

ZIG: I'll just tell the boss that someone's already been eaten and we couldn't get it done! Easy!

BEHT: (Muffled) I’m still alive, y’know!


Somewhere closeby, Rallen and Jeena look at a large crater. Rallen takes pictures.

RALLEN: Jeena! You gotta get a shot of me here!

JEENA: You promise this will be the last one? It’s almost dark and we’ve gotta hit for some dinner soon.

RALLEN: It’ll just be a minute, I promise!

JEENA: Okay, okay. I’ll take some. 

Behind them, Zig sprints somewhere. Rallen spots him.

RALLEN: Oh my God, it’s one of the guys!

Zig notices Rallen and Jeena.

ZIG: Perfect!

JEENA: (To Rallen) What guys?

RALLEN: Those shady-looking guys! Except, it’s just the angry one for some reason.

Jeena turns around and sees Zig.


Zig runs up to Rallen and Jeena. 

ZIG: Ha! I knew somethin’ good would my way!


ZIG: Come quick! There’s some weird krawl nearby! I think it’s ate one of my guys.


Zig runs in the direction he came.

RALLEN: Show us where it is!

ZIG: The hell d’ya think I’m doin’?! Follow me!

Rallen and Jeena run after Zig.


Gorrik waves a shovel at the krawl. Beht attempts to wiggle himself out of the krawl’s mouth.

GORRIK: Over here! I’m right here! Spit him out and come and get me!

Zig, Rallen and Jeena enter the scene. Rallen and Jeena see Gorrik and Beht.

JEENA: Aah! What is he doing?!

RALLEN: Oh my God, it really DID try to eat someone!

The krawl spits out Beht who gets caught by Gorrik.

BEHT: Ack!

The krawl roars gibberish.

SUBTITLES: (Krawl) Bah! I give up! Bastard tasted like cologne and mints

Beht: Ugh... Gross.

GORRIK: Ah! You're alive!

BEHT: I'm never going through something like that, again…

GORRIK: Don’t worry! I’ve got you, brother!

ZIG: Ha! You're alive! I knew you'd do it!


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