Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Short: Nobody likes them

Summary: Dyrus' just finished yelling at the three guys. They're just in their room, now.

Extra notes: Included the whole 'brothers' headcanon.


Zig, Beht and Gorrik lounge around in the small room. Gorrik does some activity on a small electronic device on one of the beds, Zig sits at the desk aimlessly pressing buttons on the computer, and Beht reads by the bookshelf. He puts down the book he was reading and sighs.

GORRIK: Hm? What's the matter?

BEHT: Can't focus.


BEHT: Yeah. Sheesh... The boss needs to just relax, sometimes. He sent something flying straight at me from across the room. How unnecessary...

ZIG: Y'know, that "something" was me.

GORRIK: Say what?

ZIG: You heard me.

BEHT: Whoa... You alright, Zig?

ZIG: Oh yeah, I'm fine.

BEHT: Good to know.

ZIG: He almost broke somethin' in me, ya dumbass!

BEHT: Whew... Sor-ry for not picking up on that dry sarcasm.

ZIG: Gah, I'm sorry - I'm just so stinkin' pissed off, right now.

BEHT: Well, I can't blame ya.

Gorrik looks up from his device and sighs.

GORRIK: Man, everyone hates us, don't they? Wants the worst for us. Not even a doctor would come near us, even if we really needed one...

BEHT: Heheh... That may as well be the realest thing that's ever come out of your mouth.

GORRIK: Really?

BEHT: Damn right.

ZIG: Damn wrong, ya meant!


Zig holds a holographic letter-keeper with a notification hanging out of it. The notification reads "Mom".

ZIG: Look here! See? At least she cares to at least message us? Things maybe ain't so bad, after all.

Gorrik sits up eagerly while Zig opens up the letter and reads it.

BEHT: Goddamn, heheh... Talk about a mood swing.

GORRIK: (To Zig) So, what's it say?

ZIG: I'm still readin' it, just gimme a minute, will ya?!

Zig tensely, yet hopefully reads the letter. But slowly, his expression dims down.

ZIG: ... ... ... She...

GORRIK: She...?

BEHT: Died...?

Zig throws the letter-keeper backwards to Beht, before burying his face into his arms on the desk.

ZIG:  (Muffled angry cursing)


Beht opens the letter up again and reads it.

GORRIK: Well, what's in it?

Beht puts the letter down.

BEHT: Good news, Gorrik, you own the old house now.

GORRIK: Really?

ZIG: Beht?!

BEHT: (To Gorrik) Kidding~ ...Mom just found out what you're doing for a living and now she hates you.

GORRIK: Me...?

BEHT: Mhm. And Zig. And me. ...Yeah, Gorrik, it's been confirmed you're right. Everybody hates us.

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