Thursday, December 29, 2022

Ramblings in a desert planet

It's all yellow, dust and death, I'll tell you. Yellow, dust and death as far as the eye can see. You don’t even got to be smart to tell - one brother of mine even said it first himself. “This could be the first time I ever thought to associate any shade of yellow with something so grim... bleak... What was the word again?” he asked. And that word was death. Every day since then, that quote of his would replay in my head at least once. Every day it annoyed me, but at least that gave me something to complain about other than the sand. Stuck with our jobs, the only way the boys and I could escape from this hellish landscape is back at base camp. It was also the only place that contained any sort of life that wasn't the occasional cactus. We believe that camp is, by far, the only place with recorded life on the entire planet, and its population doesn't go any further than the Boss and his men. As refreshing as it may sound, especially when you think about the absence of everything that we'd taken for granted in Doldogo and Wyterra, even the camp doesn't hide from this curse of the colour yellow, too. And for what? Camouflage? Ain't nothing lives on this Godforsaken planet - at least, nothing that can kill us. 

It’s only been  half a year since landing here on Menahat and I’m surprised I hadn’t gotten sick of this place sooner. Maybe it was Beht’s strange fascination with the place, as lacking as it is. Maybe it was Gorrik’s almost manic levels of optimism that kept me going. Or, could it possibly be our special treatment from the Boss? But, even so, I know that one of these days, this planet will drive me right out of my skull to the point of no return. Imagine you’re in my shoes. Imagine everything around you is yellow. You see yellow. You touch yellow. You hear yellow, smell yellow, taste yellow… all that is yellow is happening to you constantly. Eventually, you'll get so sick of seeing any shade of the goddamn colour that, even at the glimpse of sweet, sweet gold, you'll want a pistol right in your mouth! And if the pistol so happens to be of the colour golden yellow, fitted nicely inside of a golden yellow box, and placed real low and easy-to-reach on a golden yellow shelf -- what the hell?! - you may as well just keep going. At least, by living on there’s a chance that the last thing you see won’t be any kind of yellow at all!

Monday, November 7, 2022

Text to pokemon

"zig beht and gorrik"
But almost since there isn't 3 of them.
But then I realised why there was only two...
"zig and beht and gorrik"

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Beht is stupid as FUCK

BEHT: Hey Boss, so I was just thinking to myself lately about some strategies to help the company and stuff... And I was wondering, have you heard of this website called Only Fans?

DYRUS: Yes. What about it?

BEHT: Since you've been recieving mean and abusive emails lately, felt like this could really help out with your insecurity... (trailing off)

DYRUS: And who's bright idea was this?

BEHT: Mine.


Zig and Gorrik outside of a room

ZIG: Is Beht doing alright in there?

BEHT: I dunno! Gosh, I hope he's not doing bad!



Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Doodles & sketches from the new sketchbook!

The boys are BACK in my new sketchbook

Beach day with the genderbends, might redraw this with the guys as normal
Zig walking. I did draw the rest of them, but the drawings SUCKED xD
Some Menahat scenery. I would imagine the planet to have some gravity lower than Earth's if the rocks can balance that well. Or something. I have no idea on physics,  but maybe that could be the case... xD

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

About my OC Kamilla

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I'm working on a webcomic right now called Mydan: Post Beginnings. One of the protagonist's names is Kamilla and if you take a look at her outfit in the prologue, you can hopefully tell that her outfit's been inspired by Gorrik. Except, it's blue. 

Here are some images to demonstrate


Made a character on Starbound whose design is dedicated to the aesthetics of Zig, Beht and Gorrik. Named them 'Menahat'

Here they are, digging up a grave. Typical Menahatian behaviour.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

From my sketchbook recently!

The ideas are rolling in in one go again!

As pasted from my sticky note:
  • On some sand cruiser. Zig is smoking, Beht's reading a book. Gorrik's talking to Zig.
  • In their Nessa colonists outfits. That'd look pretty cool
  • At a bar. Zig & Beht are picking a fight with these two other guys. Rallen & Jenna are trying to calm the scenario down. Gorrik's flirting with the bartender, probably.
  • Rallen & Jeena playing poker with the guys. Jeena's helping Gorrik and Rallen points out how that isn't fair. Beht thinks he's won but he's totally lost. Zig is going insane.

The boys at the gym

Demonstrator guy

Other guy

Guy that pushes the wheelbarrow

(I was going to post this a couple months back but I forgot D:)

So I missed this drawing's anniversary!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

One of these days I'm gonna make a crack quiz that'll decide with NPC from Origins you are. That's my field. Right up my alley.

Villain Interview Meme!

Source: Villain Interview By: ~Anonymous-Muffin


1. Use no more than 5 villains.

2. They must be OCs  

3. Answer each question in first person.

4. Please link me in the comments and credit me in the description.

5. Tag someone, please!

Greetings, and welcome to the "Villians Interview Meme". Whether you like it or not, you've been brought here to answer some questions about yourself. This is a recording, pausing and starting controlled by your author, so you cannot attack me.  If you begin to fight with one another, you WILL be sedated/strait-jacketed. Alright now, let's start.


Summary: What if Zig, Beht and Gorrik actually went into one of the ruins with Rallen and Jeena?

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Jeena is not okay

About that guy up on one of Haven Village's gates...

If you've explored Haven Village enough, you'll have already spoken to this guy.
And if you'd remember anything about him, you'd know him for saying some real shitty things to you whenever you talk to him. Here's an example in a comic that someone made:
Since it's got a mature filter, here's what the speech bubbles in green say:
  • Oh look. It's the so-called "heroes"
  • I heard you two "saved" the village, but I don't buy it
  • ...You still suck
Although this might not be the exact dialogue the bridge guy says, that's the kind of feel you get from this guy.

Anyways, it was yesterday that I learned that the bridge guy has a name, and it's Gado. Here's some proof:

And here's some more text about Gado that follows that:
Turns out Gado's just been through some stuff.

New fact about Kotetsu

So! I just learned from Gumark today that Kotetsu has a temper?! I did not expect that.

On second thought, perhaps my next playthrough should be of just trying to collect some Kaio system lore from really looking into the dialogue and details of the environments n' stuff.