Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Villain Interview Meme!

Source: Villain Interview By: ~Anonymous-Muffin


1. Use no more than 5 villains.

2. They must be OCs  

3. Answer each question in first person.

4. Please link me in the comments and credit me in the description.

5. Tag someone, please!

Greetings, and welcome to the "Villians Interview Meme". Whether you like it or not, you've been brought here to answer some questions about yourself. This is a recording, pausing and starting controlled by your author, so you cannot attack me.  If you begin to fight with one another, you WILL be sedated/strait-jacketed. Alright now, let's start.

Would you show the viewers a shred of kindness by allowing us to know your name(s)?

???: Heya! I'm Gorrik! And these two over there are Zig and Beht! We're pretty much family! [Note: I headcanon them as brothers :P]

Beht: ...

Zig: Goddamn it, Gorrik! Way to lose the tone on the first second!

Are you male or female?

Beht: I am a man, heh heh. The other two, however, are just little boys.

Gorrik: Hey!

Zig: You wish!

How old are you in human years? 

Zig: We're all adults here. Do ya really need to know?

Beht: I dunno, maybe they just want to know that bad.

Gorrik: I'm in my 20s! And so are they! :D I'm the youngest of the three of us. Then there's Zig and then Beht. 

What exactly are you?

Beht: We're human. What did you think?

Zig: We're the special subordinates of our boss, Dyrus. And lemme tell ya, you don't wanna mess with us.

Beht: Damn right.

Gorrik: We're also colonists on Menahat!

Do you have any powers?

Zig: ...

Gorrik: ...

Beht: No.

Who is your archrival, and what do you hate about them? Do they have powers?

Zig: Those two teenage space officers and their stinkin' Spectrobes! Why do they even think they're ever gonna be amount to us?

Gorrik: Oh yeah! They're kind of rude to us, too. Super uncalled for!

Beht: Mhm. Just 'cause they can summon these ancient beasts and fight off the freaky Krawl creatures, and uncover and explore all 7 ruins of the Great desert, doesn't mean they're better than us. Damn space officers.

Do you rule over any sort of land, country, county?

Gorrik: Nope!

Beht: I wish. We'd be insanely rich and do whatever we wanted then. Nobody could tell us what to do.

Zig: Don't worry! We stay on the boss' tail long enough, we're sure to make it to the top!

Why are you considered "the bad guy"?

Gorrik: Me? Bad? No, haha!

Beht: We do illegal crap for a living, heh heh... You remember the time we had to hold that guy hostage last month?

Gorrik: Oh yeah! That was fun!

Zig: Yup, they were good times, alright! And we earned plenty from doing that!

Beht: That's just what you get for working under a filthy rich dude.

Do you consider yourself purely evil?

Beht: I dunno.

Zig: Whadya mean "I dunno"?! Them damn space officers were shadier than we ever were!

Gorrik: I don't think I'm evil, either!

What do you think of the others in the quiz room?

Gorrik: I love you guys to bits! No matter what Dyrus does, we stick together, right?

Beht: ...Yeah, I'm going to take a break some for mints and freshen up a bit. 

Zig: Y'all are embarrassin'

Beht: And the both of you gotta chill out.

On a rate of one to ten, how powerful do you think the villain next to you is?

Zig: I trust Gorrik with guard duty, so I'll give him a 7.5. Beht's pretty handy at my side, so a 7.5 as well.

Gorrik: Aww! You're the best! You guys both get a 9 from me!

Beht: Damn. I was gonna give you guys both a 6, but since you're so generous, I'll raise you guys to 7.

Now, how powerful do you consider yourself to be?

Zig: If I had to give myself somethin, maybe an 8

Beht: Hm... A 7.5?

Gorrik: 7!

Do you have an evil laugh?

Gorrik: I sure laugh a lot but I'm not evil! And Zig doesn't laugh at all! The next best one is Beht!

Beht: Me, eh?

Gorrik: Yeah? You laugh whenever you think about shady things!

Beht: I don't.

Zig: Gorrik's right.

Gorrik: See? Zig agrees!

Beht: Yeah, whatever, heh heh...

Do ya fear death?

Beht: Nah.

Zig: And when ya should! Whenever we're in danger you don't even look like you give a damn!

Gorrik: He's right y'know! At least Zig and I are here to save ya!

What's your goal, exactly? Or are you just evil for the heck of it?

Beht: We like them big bucks.

Gorrik: Yup! Dyrus just gives us these tasks and we do em, even if everyone else doesn't like it.

Zig: We're tryna crawl our way to the top, baby! You'll see us go and ain't no one ever gonna look down on us again!

Do you have henchmen/a henchman?

Beht: Uhhhh...

Gorrik: We kind of ARE henchmen. But Zig's the leader-figure of the three of us, so I guess Zig's got henchmen while being a henchman himself! Weird, huh?

Zig: This group's gotta keep together somehow! Otherwise the boss is gonna fire our asses, and y'all don't want that, now!

What do you drive?

Beht: We drive the boss insane, if anything, heh heh...

Zig: That motorises sand tricycle. Comes in handy for the three of us. [Based off that fanart I did once]

Beht: God, do I love to drive that thing.

What do you do when you aren't trying to do whatever you're trying to achieve?

Gorrik: I like to hang around with the boss' workers at the coffee stall! They always have something interesting to say! ...The boss doesn't like me hanging around other workers though.

Beht: From time to time, I end up going to the archives in the camp. Yeah, I've really taken up reading as a hobby in the past few years. You always learn something new.

Zig: I guess I like to play some logic games like chess 'n some cards n' whatnot. Either that or I'm just hangin' round the boss. Not that he necessarily listens to what I have to say, but I guess he kinda appreciates the company.

Beht: I don't think he does.

Were you ever a double-crosser (pretended to be on the opposite team, then stabbed them in the back)?

Beht: Oh, definitely, heh heh. Remember our first visit to that Kotetstu guy?

Gorrik: Oh yeah!

Zig: Yeah, but the old bastard saw right through us!

Beht: Oh. Right.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how often do you lie? *gives them truth syrum*

Zig: I'm a filthy liar, but when the truth's out, I know how to handle it. 8 outta 10.

Beht: I'm not one to keep secrets or hide things so easily. Give it a 6 out of 10.

Gorrik: I lie a lot! I'm not good at it, though! 9 out of 10!

What color is your: hair?

Gorrik: Brown? Dark brown? Black? I don't know!

Zig: Dark brown or black, what's the difference?

Beht: Ah, I guess it's the same as theirs.


Zig: Black.

Gorrik: Same's me!

Beht: I guess I'm the same, too.

Zig: You GUESS???


Zig: It's sorta... this... I dunno, how you describe it.

Beht: Ours is sorta caramel-ish. 

Gorrik: Aw man, I'd kill for a movie night with caramel popcorn now!

Whats your uniform/favorite outfit?

Gorrik: I love my little cape and hardhat combo! Practical and it looks cool too! Dyrus thinks it's stupid, but I think it looks cool!

Zig: Catch me wearing my longcoat any day. Hot n' windy during the day, freezin' during the night - it's my favourite.

Beht: What better outfit for these hellish deserts than my cowboy-esque outfit?

Have you ever gone mad?

Zig: I will if I see another grain of sand

Gorrik: I haven't, yet!

Beht: Hm... Not us, but definitely, we've seen it happen to the boss. More times than we should, and more times than I can count. Yeah, if we keep up our pace, his head's gonna blow up and we'll be caught right in that explosion.

Gorrik: Eek!

If so, did you enjoy it?

Gorrik: Do you think Dyrus enjoys it?

Beht: I dunno. Maybe he does when he throws Zig across the room,


Gorrik: Then maybe we should try it sometime!

Beht: Bad idea.

Have any family?

Gorrik: You guys are my family!

Zig: Yeah, that's sweet. Can we move on?

Beht: We got disowned when our parents found out what we do for a living, and I can't say I regret it.

Zig: I said let's move on!

Have you ever been in love? If you have, do they love you back?

Beht: Haha, not really.

Zig: I can't picture it.

Gorrik: Maybe with the girl at The Stuffed Belly back on Wyterra?

Beht: She'd never like you back.

Gorrik: Harsh!

Can you cook?

Zig: Sorta.

Beht: I'm pretty decent.

Gorrik: I'm okay at it, but cleaning up's the worst! I hate it!

Do you despise the Earth?

Zig: I dunno, but I sure despise the whole damn desert! Why're we even workin' here?!

Beht: Well, Menahat used to be a real darn pretty planet before it got totally nuked by the Krawl. Knowing that this planet's suffered that much, maybe that'll make you feel better.

Zig: That really helped, ya dumbass!

Gorrik: I love the planet! I heard the guys back at camp wants to try bring it back to normal!

What's your pet peeve?

Zig: Some of the boss' ideas - sometimes they get a lil outta hand, but we try to do 'em anyway.

Beht: I dunno, I guess when things aren't even that bad and people freak out? 

Zig: That's probably because ya don't notice when your life's in danger!

Gorrik: I dunno what my pet peeve is! Maybe it's when people call me weird and don't realise it's the caffeine! Coffee!

What kind of music to you like?

Zig: I dunno. I listen to just anythin' I guess. Probably blues?

Beht: I like me some good rock music.

Gorrik: Any music that makes me wanna PAR-TAYYY!!!

What's your favorite food?

Zig: Tough... Probably some spicy food.

Beht: Mac n' cheese. I'm a basic sorta guy.

Zig: You're not.

Gorrik: I like ice cream! It's the best for this weather!

Are you bored, want to kill me, satisfied with this quiz, etc.?

Beht: I'll kill ya if ya want


Beht: Sheesh, I was kidding.

Zig: Eh, this quiz was fine.

Gorrik: Well, I thought this was great!

Who's your favorite villain other than yourself?

Beht: Boss Dyrus. ...Eheh...

Zig: Ya really just called Dyrus a villain?!

Gorrik: He's gonna kill you!!! You're gonna get into big trouble if he hears you said that!

Do you think you're gonna die in your story?

Zig: Well, GODDAMN, I hope not?!

Beht: Wait til we strike it rich, and then we'll die happy.

Gorrik: I don't wanna die!

Well, I have to go, and I'm sure you have a lot of evil scheming to do. Peace out! (Or should I say "destruction out!" in your cases?) For your creators, go tag someone! Please, it won't take long!


Anything to add now that I'm done rambling?


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