Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Summary: What if Zig, Beht and Gorrik actually went into one of the ruins with Rallen and Jeena?


Komainu activates the entrance and walks over to Jeena. Meanwhile, Rallen talks to Zig and Beht.

RALLEN: Now, you better stay outta our way! Or else!

ZIG: Or else what, kid? Don’t try doin’ anythin’ smart here ‘cause we oughta figure it out!

BEHT: Yeah Zig’s right. What’re you gonna do? You gonna kick our asses or something?

RALLEN: I’M A FLIPPIN’ SPECTROBE MASTER! How’d you guys not figure that out, already?

BEHT: Oh shoot, forgot about that, sorry.

ZIG: Goddamnit, Beht! Way to blow our tough talk! 

BEHT: (Sarcastically) Sor-ry.

RALLEN: See? You schmucks are pathetic low-lives!

BEHT: Damn, you don’t have to be like that.

ZIG: DON’T JUST TAKE IT IN, fight back!!

BEHT: I mean, he is still a kid.

RALLEN: Uh, I’m a spectrobe master?!

BEHT: Oh yeah, there’s that too. That means we can beat him up, right?

ZIG: …

JEENA: (Offscreen) Rallen, we’re waiting!


Rallen runs over to Jeena.

RALLEN: I’m coming!

Rallen stands on the elevator with Jeena and Komainu.

RALLEN: Alrighty, Jeena! Let’s go on down! 

The elevator goes down. It gets dark.

SFX: Thud!

JEENA: Rallen, what are you doing?

RALLEN: I dunno! I’m being pushed by something!

JEENA: You’re what?!

RALLEN: I dunno?! Maybe some animal fell in?

JEENA: There’s literally no other life on this planet. What in the world are you talking about?


The room is lit. Rallen, Jeena, and Komainu stand in the elevator. Zig, Beht and Gorrik stand next to them, too.

RALLEN: I duno! But, I--

Jeena gasps when she sees Zig, Beht and Gorrik. Rallen turns around and sees them, too.

ZIG: HAHA! We’re in! I can’t believe it!

RALLEN: WHA-- What are you doing here?!

JEENA: The three of you have seriously taken it too far now!

ZIG: So, you’re tellin’ me ya dunno what we’re after? Of course, we’re after the-- Hold up, did ya just say “three?”

Zig and Beht turn around and see Gorrik behind them.

ZIG: Gorrik?! The hell’re ya doin’ here?! What happened to guard duty?

GORRIK: I’m so, so sorry! I was curious about the ruins! I was tempted!

ZIG: That ain’t no excuse! Ya shoulda stayed up there.

RALLEN: Ahem, ALL of you guys shoulda stayed up there!

ZIG: Well, we’re here now and gettin’ us out ain’t an option.

Rallen punches his own palm.

RALLEN: Then, we’ll make that option vacant!


JEENA: No Rallen, we are not going at them like that!

RALLEN: Jeez, I was only kidding.

Jeena and Rallen walk ahead. The three henchmen follow.

JEENA:  Rallen, this is serious. We’re going to make sure they don’t get themselves eaten alive here. 

GORRIK: You’ve gotta be kidding - eaten alive…? By what?

RALLEN: Just some krawl, that’s all.

GORRIK: … You’re joking. Right? Kidding? 

Everyone enters the next room. 


GORRIK: You’re not actually serious, are you--

Both the door behind them and at the end of the room close.

GORRIK: What’s happening...?

BEHT: I think all the doors just closed. 

ZIG: Ya don’t say!

RALLEN: Alright you guys, keep your guard up. Krawl’s comin’.

Rallen and Jeena equip their arms with weapons. Zig hides behind Gorrik and drags Beht along, too.

GORRIK: What’re you doing?

ZIG: You’re makin’ up for guard duty.

GORRIK: I’m WHAT?! I can’t fight back? We didn’t come here with weapons or nothing!

RALLEN: YOU- I can’t believe you’re completely unprepared! It’s a good thing you had no idea how to get into the ruins until we came along!

ZIG: Shut up! Why don’tcha hurry and do somethin’, already?!

RALLEN: Sheesh!

JEENA: Alright, they should be coming any time now...


[write this fight scene later XD]


ZIG: So, ya done? That’s all of ‘em, right?

RALLEN: Done and done! You’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about!

GORRIK: Really?


HENCHMEN: You’re kidding!

Rallen and Jeena walk over to the next room. The henchmen follow.


ZIG: Hey, y’know the things the boss would do to ya if we ever got hurt down here ‘cause of you? Even worse, if we died!

JEENA: What, you mean Dyrus? Are you sure he’d care?

ZIG: Oh, he cares about us alright.

JEENA: Oh really?

ZIG: C’mon, y’ain’t known him for a full day yet, and ya think he don’t give a damn about us! Bad judgment if ya ask me. D’ya agree, boys?

GORRIK: Yup! Totally agree! Hundred percent!

BEHT: The man pays us as well as he treats us.

JEENA: But thing is, we do know a guy that acts and even looks like Dyrus, back at Nanairo.

RALLEN: You mean Cyrus? Yeah! That guy! We’ve known him for years! 

ZIG: You’re kiddin’ me. Your “Dyrus'' is named “Cyrus?” Cyrus?! Ha! Nah, I ain’t buyin’ it.

RALLEN: We’ve seen guys that look almost exactly like you, too. 

GORRIK: (Eagerly) Really?

ZIG: Gorrik, ya seriously believin’ ‘em?

GORRIK: They’re space patrol people! They’ve travelled into deep space before! Maybe,  they know stuff we don’t!

ZIG: And maybe they been in deep space too long. Isolation - it  warps ya!

JEENA: Sheesh…!

BEHT: Oh yeah, uh, space officers? So, since you’ve seen guys like us before… D’you remember the names of our lookalikes? Like, since Dyrus’ was Cyrus, you got a clue on, say, what Zig’s was?

RALLEN: No, not really.

BEHT: D’you think it was Zag?


Zig gasps. Gorrik and Rallen laugh.

ZIG: Goddamnit Beht! If the boss were here right now, I’d force him to fire your ass!

Beht raises his finger as if to say something. He puts it back down. 

GORRIK: Y’know, I’m not sure Boss would like it if you forced him to do anything… I think that’d get us all fired! We’d be totally good for nothing, then!

ZIG: I know, I know…


Everyone walks into a room with a doorway blocked off with voltages.

JEENA: Entrance’s blocked. ‘K Rallen, let’s split. Search for some puzzle we can figure out.

RALLEN: Gotcha! And as for you three… Uh, don’t do anything stupid! You stay right where you are and DON’t move!

Beht unenthusiastically salutes Rallen.

BEHT: Yessir,

Rallen and Komainu go through one door to the left, and Jeena goes off to the door to the right. Zig, Beht and Gorrik stand right in the middle of the room.

GORRIK: Aw man, I can’t stand and do nothing for this long…

Beht walks ahead somewhere.

ZIG: Well, who’re they to tell us what to do? They ain’t the boss, so what gives?

GORRIK: You’ve got a point!

Beht analyses the blocked doorway.

SFX: Zzzzt-zzzzzzt!

BEHT: Hm… Y’know this whole voltage thing might be a trick and make us think we can’t get out so we’re stuck here forever. 

ZIG: Hey, that ain’t actually a half-bad idea!

BEHT: I’ll test to see if it’s fake. 

GORRIK: How’re you gonna test it?

BEHT: Shut up and I’ll figure something out.

GORRIK: Yessir!

Beht touches the voltages with his finger.

SFX: Zap!

BEHT: Ackh!!! 

Beht squats and curls up in pain.

BEHT: Damn, that hurts!


Rallen and Jeena run back to the room.

JEENA: What’s happened?

RALLEN: I KNEW they’d do something stupid while we were not looking!

BEHT: I just zapped my finger, jeez–

GORRIK: Yeah, don’t worry about us! We’ve been worse!

RALLEN: Great. So this isn’t even the worst of it.

JEENA: Oh well… Anyways, I’ve got an idea on how we can prevent something like this happening again.

RALLEN: What is it?

JEENA: We take one or two of them to come along with us while we solve the mystery of these ruins. That way, we can do what we need to do and keep an eye out for them. Simple!  

RALLEN: Ooh, alright! Who’s going with who? I want anyone but the angry guy!

ZIG: I have a name, y’know!

JEENA: Alright, I’ll take him. You can take the rest.

RALLEN: What? I have to go with two?

JEENA: Yeah. And it’s Komainu’s turn with me. 

(To be continued...?)

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